Brewing: The Fundamentals      The course designed by Brewers for Brewers

3-6th November, 2024

“The understanding of the science of brewing should be a fundamental part of the skills of the brewing team in order to optimise efficiency, consistency and, above all, quality.”     Rob Smith

This highly successful residential course has now been running for over thirty years and has helped hundreds of brewers over that time to better understand the brewing process and the science behind it. The course was set up by professional brewers in order to assist other less experienced brewers, aspiring brewers, and those connected with the brewing industry, to understand in greater detail the practical aspects of brewing and the basic theory that underpins the brewing process. It also provides a useful starting point for anyone wishing to study for professional brewing qualifications.

The aim of the course is for you to understand fully the basics of good brewing practice gaining a greater insight in to both the art and science of brewing. Armed with this new knowledge you will be able go on to develop further your own brewing procedures with a view to optimising the quality and consistency of your products. The benefit to you in attending the course is to share in that practical knowledge, skill and experience gained by the course principals and lecturers over many years in the brewing industry. This is a chance for you to be able to discuss general brewing practices, as well as your individual brewing procedures, with experts in the various fields of brewing and provides the opportunity to talk informally with other brewers on the course about their experiences of the day-to-day running of a small brewery.

Topics include:

  • Raw materials and recipe formulation
  • Brewing theory and good brewing practice
  • Brewery hygiene and quality control
  • Packaging (cask, keg, bottle and can)
  • Brewing equipment and brewery design
  • Visits to a local Maltings and Contract Brewer & Packager

The course is held at Brew York in York, North Yorkshire. The venue is easily reached by car, by rail or by air via Manchester Airport and then rail link.

At the start of the course, there is an opportunity to participate in a full brew at a local York Brewery. You will also receive a copy of ‘The Fundamentals’, a book specially written to accompany the course and which will continue to act as a useful reference work for years to come.

The principal running the course is David Smith BA(Chem), FIBD, Dipl.I.Brew. Formerly a Production and Quality Control Brewer for 12 years with Samuel Smiths’ Brewery, Tadcaster, David has been running his own brewing consultancy for over 30 years, helping independent breweries of all sizes with all aspects of technical support to produce quality beers. During this time has helped to establish and worked with over 200 breweries around the UK and further afield.

Other lecturers include Rob Smith, MSc, Dipl.Brew, Brewing Services Ltd; Hayley Young, Dipl.Brew, Brewing Services Ltd, Will Rogers, Technical Director, Charles Faram & Co; Paddy Edwards Dipl.Brew, Technical Sales Manager, Diversey Ltd and Dr Stephanie Brindley, BSc (Hons), MRes.,Technical Representative, Murphy & Son.

The course fee includes all accommodation and meals whilst attending the course. Also included are the lectures, workshops, excursions and a copy of ‘The Fundamentals’. Not included are transport costs to and from delegate’s homes and provisions of drinks other than tea or coffee at the hotel and Brewery.

Course Fee: £985.00 (+ VAT) per delegate  (inclusive of full accommodation and meal costs). 10% discount is available to members of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), members of the London Brewers Alliance (LBA) and for two or more persons attending the course.

Further information:

Rob:                 07966 693097 /

Hayley:           07855 326144 /

David:              07970 629552 /




Or simply complete the application form below and either email to the addresses above or post to the address below:

Brewing: The Fundamentals

Brewing Services Ltd

6 Church Street



YO23 3SE


Brewing: The Fundamentals

3rd-6th November, 2024

I/We wish to reserve ……. places on Brewing: The Fundamentals training course to be held in November 2023.

I/We do/do not wish to attend the brew day at a local brewery prior to the commencement of the course.


Signed: __________________________                                 Date: __________________________


Attendee Name(s), Contact Number(s) and Email(s):





Company Name:          _________________________________________________

Company address:       _________________________________________________



Email address:             _________________________________________________


Please Note: A deposit of £250.00 per person is required when applying. Please make cheques payable to: Brewing Services Ltd or pay via BACS (payment details available on request). The balance of the course fee is payable in full prior to registering at the start of the course. All deposits are non-returnable once your application has been accepted. Only one discount will apply. Numbers on the course are limited so we would advise you to return your application as soon as possible.